Security Kills Migrant Tranny Shooter Who Opened Fire In Joel Osteen’s TX Church With ‘Free Palestine’ Written On Rifle

by Kelen McBreen

February 12th 2024, 12:34 pm

A 36-year-old “woman” named Genesse Moreno, born in El Salvador, opened fire inside pastor Joel Osteen’s Lakewood, Texas megachurch on Sunday as the Spanish language service was set to begin.

Moreno entered the building wearing a trenchcoat, holding an AR-15 with “Free Palestine” written on the side, and dragging along a 5-year-old child.

The suspect also wore a backpack and reportedly threatened parishioners with an explosive device.

Watch below as churchgoers flee the premises while loud shots ring out in the background:

So the woman who opened fire at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood mega-church in Houston Texas used a gun that had the words “FREE PALESTINE” written on it.

Story about to disappear in 3… 2… 1…

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