High School Student Fails Quiz for Saying Men Can’t Get Pregnant
The mother of a high school student in Seattle, Washington, is outraged after a leftist teacher gave her son a failing grade on a quiz where he answered men can’t get pregnant and all men have penises.
The incident happened at Chief Sealth International High School, where the 10th grade student took a quiz pertaining to “Understanding Gender vs. Sex” in an Ethnic Studies World History class.
In a true or false question regarding the statement “All men have penises,” the student answered “True,” which was marked as incorrect.
The student also responded to another sentence stating, “Only women can get pregnant,” by again answering “True,” which his teacher also marked as wrong.
The student’s “incorrect” answers effectively made him fail the “knowledge check” portion of the quiz, according to the boy’s mother, who surprisingly identifies as a moderate liberal.
Other questions on the quiz reportedly also asked, “When someone uses ‘they/them’ pronouns, what does that mean about their gender identity?” and “True/false: Transgender people are gay.”
Speaking to KTTH radio host Jason Rantz, the student’s mom said she felt “frustration and anger” that her son was failed for honestly answering questions about basic biology.
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