Another Disney World Brawl: Guest Conduct Mirrors Company’s and Society’s Decay
by ZeroHedge May 17th 2023, 5:37 pm
Once quintessential family-friendly environments, Walt Disney amusement parks now mirror down-market food joints in featuring the basest displays of godawful human behavior.
To put it another way, Mickey Mouse is fast gaining on his rodent cousin Chuck E. Cheese in hosting viral-video slugfests.
The latest example was served up on Monday, as two families brawled just beyond Disney World’s entrance gates, in a fight that reportedly arose from a family’s desire to take a photo at the iconic location.
The Orange County Sheriff’s Office responded to emergency calls at 2:30pm. Reportedly, one family asked another family to move so they could take a group photo at a spot that has the Magic Kingdom train station as a backdrop, along with Mickey Mouse topiary and, this year, a sign calling out the 100th anniversary of the Walt Disney Company.
Tempers flared, and violent impulses prevailed as a member of one family reportedly punched a member of another in the face. Things then quickly devolved into the kind of messy, co-ed slugfest seen with increasing regularity as American society steadily unravels — and companies like Disney set out to destroy the values that once bound it.
One person received medical treatment at the scene, but chose not to press charges against the assailant. Two people were ejected from the park.
Monday’s meleé didn’t quite match the ferocity or duration of last summer’s free-for-all at Disney World, which apparently erupted after a woman left an attraction line and then returned to her family:
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