MEET THE NEW DR. DEATH: Far-Left Portland Physician Is Turning Oregon Into America’s First DEATH TOURISM State
By Cullen Linebarger
Published February 6, 2023 at 8:15pm
The war on human life continues unabated in the Western world. The Daily Mail revealed on Sunday a doctor named Nicholas Gideonse has been convincing terminally ill individuals to come to Oregon so he can help them commit suicide and in the process turning Oregon into a “death tourism” state.
Gideonse currently practices medicine at the Oregon Health Science University (OHSU) Primary Care Clinic in Portland. At the same time, he also serves as the director of End of Life Choices in Oregon.
Gideonse is also a radical-left political activist. His Facebook page shows him supporting the Marxist Black Lives Matters clowns and the environmental extremist Sunrise Movement.
The Oregon physician recently told a panel that he was convincing terminally ill out-of-state residents to travel to Oregon so he could help them end their lives despite this not being quite legal yet. The state last year agreed to extend access to doctor-assisted suicide to non-residents, but this is not expected to be codified into law until later this year.
Gideonse caused the state to move toward altering the assisted suicide law, which currently allows terminally ill Oregonians with less than six months to live to request doctors provide them a fatal dose of drugs they generally use at home.
The doctor whined the requirement blocked him from providing deadly drugs to patients in Washington state, where assisted suicide is also legal. Oregon health chiefs caved to his avarice for more patients last year and agreed to lift the residency rule.
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