Confidential Pfizer Memo About Project Veritas Leaked — To Project Veritas February 7th 2023, 12:11 pm

Pfizer sent out a confidential companywide memo to employees warning of becoming exposed by Project Veritas — a memo that was then leaked to Project Veritas.

Pfizer sent out the memo after its Director of Research and Development Jordon Walker was recently caught in undercover video admitting Pfizer was conducting dangerous gain of function research to mutate viruses in pursuit of making more vaccines.

The memo is rife with fallacies and lies, claiming the Project Veritas exposé was “manipulated” and characterizing critics of its COVID vaccine gain of function research as “anti-science activists.”

“Fact-based information rooted in sound science is vitally important to preserving Pfizer’s scientific innovations, reputation, and truth with business partners, and ultimately enables us to deliver breakthroughs for patients. Anti-science activists are becoming increasingly brazen in their drive to gain and manipulate information, fueling the spread of baseless claims and endangering public health,” Pfizer stated.

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