Bill Gates Predicts Another Pandemic Which Could be Man-Made and Worse than COVID-19

By Jim Hoft
Published January 24, 2023 at 11:00am

Bill Gates issued a warning during his visit to Australia about the impending threat of another pandemic, one that could be much more devastating than Covid and could be man-made, Daily Mail reported.

On Monday, Microsoft founder Bill Gates discussed global health, pandemic preparedness, food security, and ‘climate change’ in an in-depth interview with Lowy Institute Executive Director Dr. Michael Fullilove.

Gates urged that world leaders must put aside their differences and work together to prepare for the next epidemic.

While Gates claims that no country did the right thing in its response to the Covid pandemic, he praised Australia and seven other countries that did “population scale diagnostics early on and had quarantine policies.”

“So nobody, I would say, gets an A on this one. Sadly, epidemics come along so rarely that it’s easy to be incompetent.”

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