Biden’s ‘Kinky’ They/Them Nuke Official Charged With Another Airport Luggage Theft

by Zero HedgeDecember 9th 2022, 10:37 am

A new felony arrest warrant has just been issued for Sam Brinton, the senior Department of Energy official who just weeks ago confessed to stealing luggage at the Minneapolis airport on Sept 16.

Now, the ostentatiously “non-binary” deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition stands accused of perpetrating the same crime at the Las Vegas airport, according to KLAS. The date of the alleged Vegas theft has not yet been publicized.

Brinton’s January 2022 appointment to a sensitive nuclear post was hailed as a shining example of the Biden administration’s “inclusivity,” with Brinton claiming the crown tiara as the barrier-breaking first openly “gender fluid” person to have a federal leadership role.  

Brinton’s no gender studies grad — he has dual masters degrees in nuclear science and engineering from MIT. His appointment raised eyebrows, however — and not only because of his fabulous cross-dressing, which includes wearing stiletto heels to work.

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