Give Her A Medal: German Nurse Walks Free After Injecting Almost 10,000 Patients With Saline Instead of Deadly COVID Jab December 3rd 2022, 10:34 am

A Red Cross nurse who injected 8,600 elderly patients with saline solution instead of the experimental COVID jab has walked free from court with only 6 months probation.

39-year-old Antje T. had administered the saltwater solution “vaccines” at the Schortens jab center in Friesland, Germany, telling patients they were the Pfizer jab.

Antje T. jabbed up to 8,600 mostly over-70 patients who were mainly hospital employees, educators and doctors between March 5 and April 2021.

She reportedly shared her skepticism about COVID jab’s safety and effectiveness on social media.

“The accused had shared various conspiracy theories on the Internet and on social media,” said court spokesperson Torben Toelle.

“However, the chamber could not determine with the necessary certainty that this set of ideas was the motive for her actions and that she then acted to sabotage a vaccination campaign.”

Police say she was able to make the switch from the real jabs to the saline because she was in charge of vaccine and syringe preparation during her shift.

She was reported to authorities after a colleague noticed she had used the saline solution on six patients in April 2021.

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