White House Unveils Yearly Covid Boosters

by RT September 7th 2022, 3:45 am

The White House has unveiled plans for a new coronavirus vaccine booster that would be taken every autumn, as health officials say an annual jab could offer the best protection against the latest viral variants. 

Declaring a “new phase” in its pandemic response on Tuesday, the White House said it is launching a vaccine initiative “with a new approach,” adding that “most Americans” will need “one Covid-19 shot, once a year, each fall.”

“It’s simple, and it’s easy to understand: If you are vaccinated and 12 and older, get the new Covid-19 shot this fall,” the White House continued. “This once-a-year shot can reduce your risk of getting Covid-19, reduce your chance of spreading it to others, and dramatically reduce your risk of severe Covid-19.”

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