Dr. Birx Admits She ‘Knew’ COVID Shots Would Not ‘Protect Against Infection’

Infowars.com July 23rd 2022, 11:38 am

Former White House coronavirus response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx said she wasn’t surprised Joe Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci contracted COVID despite being double-vaccinated and double boosted, because she always “knew” the shots wouldn’t prevent infection.

And because of that, Birx said Friday on Fox News, only the new Pfizer treatment called Paxlovid “is going to save you now.”

“I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization,” Birx told “Your World” host Neil Cavuto.

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One Reply to “Dr. Birx Admits She ‘Knew’ COVID Shots Would Not ‘Protect Against Infection’”

  1. gate io exchange wiki

    I love reading these posts because I always learn so much.I always recommend the Abbeville Institute every chance I get.Hi Vicky, and thank you for your thoughtful question. No, I do not believe the COVID-19 vaccine to be THE mark of the beast, but I do believe it is the preparatory tool of Satan in preparing the world for it. We are witnessing the fourth beast-kingdom of Dan. 2:40 and Dan. 7:7 in exercising its wicked authority world-wide. In my opinion, this vaccine is a measure globalists have developed to depopulate the world, which is foremost in the minds of men like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, men with extreme power, money and influence. God bless you.Marlin J. YoderAbsolutely EXCELLENT Report!Superior!!!A Timely Warning for Tens of Thousands Across North America!!!Already going VIRAL on GAB with Dozens of High-Level Reposts!!!!!!!!!!!!

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