Biden Regime Now Says It Never Really Wanted Lockdowns

by Ryan McMaken |

Last Friday, a reporter asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki to respond to the Johns Hopkins covid study showing lockdown provided no real benefit in terms of disease prevention.

In response, Psaki dodged addressing the study directly, but then pivoted to claiming that the Biden administration had never pushed lockdowns. “We are not pushing lockdowns,” she insisted, “we’ve not been pro-lockdown — most of the lockdowns actually happened under the previous President.”

We have now reached the point in the media and political narrative where the party of lockdowns realizes lockdowns are increasingly unpopular, and so now claims it never supported lockdowns at all.

But how can Psaki get away with saying this? We all know that Biden has always supported lockdowns. Well, that’s not quite it, and she’s not completely wrong. By the time Biden was actually sworn in as president, he had already stopped pushing for lockdowns as a continued option for the regime’s anti-covid plan.

On the other hand, it is certainly true that as late as early November 2020, high-ranking Biden advisors were still holding up lockdowns as a possibility that fall and winter. For example, on November 11, 2020, Dr. Michael Osterholm, a member of Biden’s Covid-19 advisory board, suggested the country might require a “lockdown for 4 to 6 weeks” suggesting the US government spend additional trillions to “pay for a package right now to cover all of the lost wages for individual workers.”

Osterholm also referenced an August 2020 column he co-wrote with Minneapolis Fed president Neel Kashkari in which the authors concluded “To be effective, the lockdown has to be as comprehensive and strict as possible.”

For his part, Biden was keeping lockdowns very much on the table at least as late as August 2020. Biden declared in a joint interview with Kamala Harris that if covid numbers increased again “I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists. …We’re going to do whatever it takes to save lives.”

By November, however, the administration appears to have shifted to a policy of using lockdowns more as a threat than as a likely plan of action. This position was also reflected in the comments of Zeke Emanuel, a long-time supporter of draconian lockdowns also remained a Biden advisor in November. Earlier in 2020, he had advocated for long-term lockdowns, suggesting lockdowns would need to last for 18 months or more. Yet, by November, he instead insisted that whether or not the additional lockdowns would take place would depend “on what we do now.”

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