Morbidly Obese, Triple-Vaxxed Def Sec Who Just Caught Covid Fires 47 Troops For Refusing Shots

by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation

Morbidly obese, triple-vaxxed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who contracted covid earlier this month despite being “boosted” and had to call in sick, fired an additional 45 Marines and 2 Navy sailors this week in the name of “combat readiness.”

“The number of Marines who have been booted for not getting a vaccine is now at 334,” the Epoch Times reported.

“The Navy has separated 22 sailors so far for vaccine refusal, all of whom were in their first 180 days of service,” USNI News reported.

Tons of these service members who’ve been fired already have natural immunity but they’re being given the boot nonetheless as their refusal to take the shots is seen as a proxy for dissident political views.

To claim Marines who are risking their lives in frontline combat are not combat ready because they might catch what’s now a relatively mild cold is just comical.

It’s even more comical that it’s coming from a morbidly obese, triple-vaxxed clown who goes around fully masked up with a face shield on yet still caught symptomatic covid and had to stay home sick for who knows how long just earlier this month.

I assure you, every last service member who was fired is more “combat ready” than the corrupt sack of lard who fired them will ever be.


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