Video: Pfizer CEO Declares FOURTH COVID Shot Needed “Sooner Than Expected”
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla declared this week that a fourth COVID shot is coming and will be needed “sooner than expected” to protect against the Omicron variant, despite all accounts of the mutation being extremely mild.
Appearing on CNBC, Bourla said “When we see real-world data, we’ll determine if the omicron is well covered by the third dose and for how long. And the second point, I think we will need a fourth dose.”
Bourla was referring to ongoing studies on the Omicron variant, as he revealed that a preliminary study by Pfizer was based on a synthetic, lab-created copy of the variant. “Those real-world results will be more accurate and are expected in the next two weeks,” the Pfizer CEO noted.
Bourla is already pushing forward a potential FOURTH booster shot from a year after the third, stating “With omicron we need to wait and see because we have very little information. We may need it faster.”