Austria: Brothel Offers Free ‘Sex Session’ to Clients Who Get Vaccination on-Site

by Breitbart

An Austrian brothel has offered free sex sessions to clients who receive the coronavirus vaccine at its facility.

Starting on November 1, the Funpalast brothel in Vienna said customers who receive the vaccination on-site will be allowed entry into its “sauna club” where they can have their way with a “lady of their choice,” according to the Daily Mail. The offer will be available throughout the month of November, during which boys as young as 14 can participate so long as they are accompanied by an adult.

“Many men, very many men with a migration background, virtually refuse vaccination or don’t even know that you can be vaccinated,” Fun Palast manager Peter Laskaris told Reuters. “And since we are actually reaching this target group, we decided to set up a vaccination street here.”

Germany initiated a similar plan of coronavirus testing for brothel clients earlier this year.

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