Researchers See Fading Vaccine Effect as 7 in 10 Recent COVID-19 Deaths in Sweden Fully Vaxxed

by Sputnik

Vaccine specialists listed several reasons for the spike in breakthrough infections, including that it’s been a while since the earliest vaccinations were administered, the increased vaccine coverage, the removed restrictions, and the incidence of the more contagious Delta strain.Given the high inoculation rate, the share of those vaccinated among confirmed COVID-19 cases has risen is Sweden, which according to researchers is seen as a signal of waning vaccine protection.

The Swedish Public Health Agency reported that between 1-24 September 7 out of 10 COVID-related deaths were fully vaccinated individuals.

According to Farshid Jalalvand, a researcher in clinical microbiology at Lund University, there are several reasons why the proportion of fully vaccinated among the deceased has increased.

“The main reasons are probably that it has now been quite a while since the oldest ones were vaccinated, that the vaccine coverage has increased, that the restrictions have been eased, and that the Delta strain has taken over”, Jalalavand told the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.The Delta strain is known to spread more easily among both vaccinated and unvaccinated than the Alpha strain. According to Jalalavand, though, fully vaccinated people “generally have good protection”. 

Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam, professor of vaccine immunology at the Karolinska Institute, said it is not unexpected that vaccine protection decreases over time.

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