Boulder shooter was out for blood for quite some time.

The Shooter in Boulder CO. who killed 10 people at a supermarket, routinely threatened his classmates with the filing of fake hate crime charges after he literally attacked them an eyewitnesses told the media.

You would typically describe Ahmad Al-Issa as an “anti-racist activist,” or “hardcore Leftist” with his Facebook page having featured criticism of Donald Trump, advocacy for refugees and Muslim immigrants.

Fox 31 report revealed that Al-Issa once violently punched a classmate, knocked him to the ground and continued to hit him as he layed on the ground.

Al-Issa tried to justify the attack by claiming the victim “had made fun of him and called him “racial” names “weeks earlier,” he maintained that story although no other classmates could corroborate the incident.

The shooter’s wrestling team classmate Dayton Marvel also told the Denver Post that in Al Issa’s senior year, “during the wrestle-offs to see who makes varsity, he actually lost his match and quit the team and yelled out in the wrestling room that he was like going to kill everybody.”

These are his victims. all of whom are white and no one seems to care about the victims “But” have the most to say about taking your guns!

When will you learn! gun control only disarms the legal and lawful civilian populous!


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