Alex Jones Issues Emergency Warning: Globalists Planning Race-Based Civil War When Trump Is President-Elect
Now that the globalists’ plan to secure the 2024 election by taking Trump out has failed, a Plan B strategy will be to divide and conquer Americans by hyping up racial tensions.
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This is a very informative, insightful, realistic and unbiased channel. That is open to all topics and suggestion on how to make our society a better and equally fare place for everyone. without fear or forcing people to agree with ideals that they dont agree with. (Parental discretion advised)
What’s good fine people of Slavelandia?!!! We hope you had a blast for Christmas and are planning to turn up again for New Years eve! But you know we have a habit of throwing a monkey wrench in to your plans but remember its out of Love!….LOL So long story short we will be back New Years with more so grab that guilty pleasure and sit that ass down because its time to take this ride through the Matrix! Thanks for supporting the Show and remeber it’s our show!
#CivilianTalk Radio Still Waking Up America