Watch: Iranian National Who Illegally Entered U.S. Issues Dire Warning About Biden’s Open Borders
An Iranian national who illegally entered the United States from the open southern border gave a dire warning about the future of America’s national security should it go to war with China or Iran.
The Iranian national told journalist Ben Bergquam in Jacumba, California, that terrorist sleeper cells have likely already exploited the collapsed border and positioned themselves for attacks should a conflict break out with China or Iran.
“If an incident between U.S. and China occur in Taiwan, what will these people do?” the man asked as he pointed to the many other illegal aliens around him.
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This is a very informative, insightful, realistic and unbiased channel. That is open to all topics and suggestion on how to make our society a better and equally fare place for everyone. without fear or forcing people to agree with ideals that they dont agree with. (Parental discretion advised)
Whats happening fine people of Slavelandia! Sorry we're so late today but life is putting things in to place for all of us. It seems like 2025 is really going to be a good year! But today we have a wild ride through the reality we call the matrix and there are some very important facts yall should be considering! So its time to grab that guilty pleasure and Lock-in because you will be outraged.
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