LEAK: CANADA BUILDING CLIMATE CAMPS! – Documents Show Blueprint For Climate Ministry Base!

Josh Sigurdson reports on a shocking new leak that made its way to the publisher “Counter Signal” exclusively and has been reported on by Keean Bexte. The leak shows blueprints by the climate ministry for a massive facility in Winnipeg complete with an armory, interrogation rooms, so-called “quiet rooms,” electronic charging rooms and “shared equipment rooms.” As Canada rolls out digital IDs, has a history of freezing bank accounts of those that opposed the government peacefully, attempts to ban 30% of farms under the guise of “climate” and countless other examples of extreme tyranny, it is clear that the carbon credit system of the Great Reset is being built in Canada. This facility is in Winnipeg which is just north of North Dakota where Bill Gates has bought up farm land next to a military base and next to where the Chinese government has recently bought up farm land. If it isn’t abundantly clear by now why you need to get prepared, we can’t help you.




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