“A Propaganda Lie”: Tucker Carlson Sums Up Democrats’ Blockbuster TV Show Trial
Fox News host Tucker Carlson blasted Democrats in the House Thursday for producing a “propaganda lie” made for TV show trial production while the country “never in its history been closer to a nuclear war.”
Carlson also noted that “In the 18 months since January 6, gas prices have doubled, drug [overdoses] have reached their highest point ever, U.S. economy is now [heading for a] devastating recession.”
“Yet the other networks couldn’t be bothered to cover any of that tonight,” he continued, adding that Fox News “will not be carrying their propaganda.”
“This is the only hour on an American news channel that will not be carrying the propaganda lie. They are lying, and we are not going to help them do it,” Carlson declared.
“We hated seeing vandalism at the U.S. Capitol a year and a half ago, and we said at the time, but we did not think it was an insurrection because it was not an insurrection,” he continued, further urging “It was not even close to an insurrection. Not a single person in the crowd that day was found to be carrying a firearm.”
He continued, “This was not an insurrection. But, you know, we’ll get an insurrection if you ignore the legitimate concerns of a population — if you brush them aside as if they don’t matter.”
Carlson also noted that the truth of what really happened on January 6th is “still unknown,” adding that “From the extensive video we have of January 6, it’s clear that some in the crowd, more than a few, were encouraging protesters to breach the Capitol to commit felonies.”
“The January 6 committee will not explain that,” he proclaimed, adding “After a year, millions of dollars, thousands of interviews, they won’t tell us, nor will they tell us, how many FBI agents and assets were in the crowd that day and what were they doing there. Why can’t we know that? And why are they still hiding thousands of hours of surveillance footage from within the Capitol?”
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