“The Science Isn’t Strong Enough”: British Health Minister Schooled by UK Physician on Covid Jabs
Unvaccinated anesthesiologist in Covid ICU tells Sajid Javid natural immunity makes more sense than booster jabs every month.
Cameras were rolling during an incredible exchange between British Health Secretary Sajid Javid and a savvy, unvaccinated UK healthcare worker, who educated the unelected bureaucrat on everything from the benefits of natural immunity, to the dangers of a never-ending booster scheme.
The one-sided debate took place during a visit Friday by Javid to Kings College Hospital in London, where he asked nurses what they thought about the government’s mandatory vaccination policy for healthcare workers.
Steve James, an anesthesiologist working in the hospital’s Covid Intensive Care Unit, spoke up to Javid about why he disagreed with the NHS policy, and explained he hasn’t been vaccinated because his natural immunity is better than that provided by so-called Covid vaccines.
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